Two worlds are divided through a wall of reflections, but waves of information are breaking through. Somewhere in a desert far away a young man wakes up from a strange dream. “Where am i?”, the young tired looking man wonders. He must be in the age of 30 and by the looks of his clothing he probably works at an office or as a salesman, wearing a black pants and a white shirt on top. He looks at his feet and stares at the yellow rocky ground with curiosity. “I must be home, guess i came from Mars after all”, the young man grins. “Behind you”. A deep voice breaks the silence. He turns around quickly and stares straight into a pale young face with two emerald colored eyes. “Missed me?”, the dark mystic figure asks teasing. “Like i would miss my most loyal dog”, the young man replies with arrogance. “Ah, right. The one that never bites the hand that feeds him because he feels sorry for his masters weakness”, the dark character shows a smile. “Do you want me to educate you in communication skills as well my great master? After All, you must know it takes quite some skill to keep an army of thousands of aggressive and strong warriors in check, since they each desire the highest rank”. The young man with the office worker appearance takes a seat on the yellow dry soil underneath them and stares in the distance. “Did i say something wrong or is something else bothering you?”, the dark character with the name of Avitas asks the young man while he takes a seat next to him. The two persons seem to be a perfect copy of each other, although it’s clear they each spend time in a very different environment. Even the names are reflections, as the young man with the office appearance bears the opposite name of his dark companion Avitas. “Why do you bother to ask if it is so easy for you to look inside my mind?”, Sativa replies. Avitas grins while he gives his friend a pat on the back. “So you want me to spoil all the fun? I can see where the trouble is, always the heart isn’t it? Maybe now you understand why i threw mine overboard. Can you imagine killing an army with a piece of lead inside your chest? I’ll be honest my friend, you look like you could barely walk up a stairs with that piece of crap inside of you, i'd hate to be in your shoes right now”. Sativa turns his face to the left and stares into the two green eyes with rage. “Thank god we also share that load don’t we?”, he whispers on a deep angry tone. “Don’t act like you don’t care Avitas, if you didn’t we wouldn’t be here would we? I can also see inside your thoughts and i know why you came to me in the first place. Not to win any wars am i right?”. “Oh my, i hurt our feelings”, Avitas replies teasing. ”Only difference is i don’t really care and you do, the only thing that matters to me is that your weakness is dragging me down. You are just another prince coming to me because you cannot conquer your own kingdom. You are divided, like almost every weak human being in that world you call home, so you are in search of an army to conquer a kingdom and many wealth, how obvious. Why should i care? I could just take your place instead and throw you overboard”. “Yes, you could, but it would cost half of your energy. We could also meet in the middle, become one and share the energy levels. From a paradox to a singularity”, Sativa smiles while he closes his eyes and thinks of the possibilities. “What are you an idiot? You are already dreaming so you can open those eyes again”, Avitas replies while he rises slowly. “We are not here to discuss your personal issues, we are here to increase your strength. Don’t ask me about things i don’t know about, all i do know is you can bend reality so maybe you should just try harder”. His student wearing the white shirt rises as well and looks at his master with doubt. “I don’t think i have what it takes to do such a thing”, he replies with a sad voice. Avitas laughs loudly while he starts walking in the direction of the sun forward through the yellow rocky desert. “That's because you are not as smart as you think you are. They come to you, they see a king, but all you show is weakness. They wonder if they made a mistake, but they didn’t. You are hiding something, you are hiding me. All your lost power piled up into a single fictional character living in a dream world doing what you should do if you were one; conquer kingdoms and defeat armies. The thing is, we can sit here all day to discuss your personal issues, it won't do you any good. You need to learn all the things i have learned and you need to do it fast. Time is running out. Your world is changing quickly and if you don’t step up you will lose, so i will show you what true power is and let you play with it for a while. In the meantime, let’s practice some more”. Avitas gives his companion a long oak wood stick about the length of an adult person.”You see, what i see is a very smart and strong man who acts like a pathetic crying child, and that’s the good news. The bad news is that we share a connection, so you drag me down as well”. Filled with rage Sativa swings the staff from left to right quickly, but Avitas bends over and gives his student a powerful punch in the abdominal. His friend collapses while the dark character shows an evil grin. “That is energy my friend, the mobilizing energy of anger and the power of predictable reactions and quick thinking. And it is all inside that weird mind of yours locked away in distant dreams because you fear you cannot control yourself. And your right, not like this, because it is that fear that controls you and divided you. Don’t get me wrong, it takes a lot of power to destroy yourself to protect the ones you love, but that is gone now. Those people all left and you are alone. No one to protect anymore. In fact, if you don’t get up fast and stop messing around you won’t be able to protect the ones you love in the future. Chaos is coming…”, Avitas gives no attention to the man next to him on the ground gasping for air while he continues his speech. “I have a few extra tricks i haven’t used yet. We need to speed this up if you want to be ready in time”. “What do you have in mind?’, Sativa replies while he regains his breath and stands up again. Both of the young men take their battle position ready to strike at each other again. “You are missing info and i don’t have it either, so we’ll have to pull in some outside input. A simple action with a huge reaction. You will be my pawn”, Avitas smiles while he swings the staff from his left hip towards his right shoulder. He makes a sudden move with his right arm and with a whistling sound the staff spins 4 times around his right hand before he swings it to the left sweeping Sativa`s feet away underneath him. The young man who is clearly no competition for his adversary falls towards the ground and hits the yellow pebbles with a loud painful sound escaping from his lips. “Did i distract you? Energy is like breathing you know, always inhaling and exhaling. They teach you to control your breath while training, but breath is not everything you need to control. There are always patterns. It is hard to think while you act, and hard to act while you think. You were thinking about what i was saying, which made you unable to act. Ones you start acting you will be unable to think. Am i getting through to you yet? Or do you need more painful lessons to wake up?”. His opponent looks at him in silence while he puts his hands around his ankle on the painful blue spot where the oak wood staff of Avitas left a straight mark. “I just don’t trust you, i never did”, Sativa mumbles. “I know, you are ungrateful. Where where your friends when you fell down? Who picked your weak body up again and injected it with strength? Not the ones you listened to lately, but the only one you ever pushed away”, Avitas lowers his voice and takes a seat next to the man on the ground. “Can you see the pattern yet? You are walking a dead man’s trail” he says while he looks at his friend with an evil grin and teasing eyes. “You see your friends as enemy and the enemy as your friend, that`s pretty messed up. I know somewhere down in that endless memory of yours some lights are starting to blink now. Words move the mind while actions move the body”. Sativa looks at his companion with amazement. “How do you know all this stuff?”. Avitas laughs loudly and replies with the same look as his friend. “Are you serious? We are one entity with two reflective patterns. You might as well call me your state of denial. I’m build out of every bit of information you couldn’t bear and molded into a personality in a fake world of fiction. You will be stuck with me until you break the glass and accept what you cannot deny. You are becoming a singularity born from a paradox. Waves of Gravitas will be released. Moving in ups and downs, pushing people away and pulling them towards you again. Like the waves of an ocean do with the rubble at the coastlines. It’s a constant logical motion. Pulling in friends, pushing them away again, pulling in enemies, pushing them away again. The pendulum swing is in everything, even social interaction. Erase the energy forms that push the wrong ones away and you will have an army of friends, like you used to have before you collapsed”. “But which energy form do i need to erase to advance? I just don’t see it”, Sativa replies sadly. “No, but you will, in due time my friend. There are more important things which need priority, like survival and i’m not talking about all the nice tricks you learn while watching that digital painting you love so much. You read so often and still, you lack every bit of experience needed. Are you denying your past as well?”. “No, i just forgot most of it”, Sativa answers slowly while he stares in the distance. “No kidding?”, Avitas looks at his companion with amazement while he continues in a teasing way, ”you know we don’t have psychology in this world don’t you? We only have philosophy and Tarot; the fool’s journey towards wisdom. We don’t know anything about disabilities either. In here people are weak, dysfunctional of just mere idiots. Which one fits the pattern of forgetting the past you think? I’d say you hit the jackpot on all three of them, but maybe i just look down on you too much so you pick one”. Both man regain their battle position again but this time nothing happens. Two deep green eyes are locked into each other without a single movement and both characters are completely focused on the one standing in front of them. For minutes no one even makes a sound, except for the wind howling over the rocky cliffs there is complete silence. “Are you waiting for an invitation or an opportunit..”, but Avitas doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence. With a whistling sound the oak wood staff moves from the side of Sativa to the feet of his adversary who jumps in the air with both feet and dodges the attack quickly. Time seems to slow down as he turns in the air 180 degrees before swinging the staff towards Sativa. The young man holds his staff between both hands while pushing it forward from his waist towards the sky. The oak wood stick of his enemy lands in the middle between his hands and the vibration from the collision runs through both of his arms in the direction of his shoulders. “Now that’s an attack!”, Avitas smiles. “You nearly broke my legs, you are learning fast. In the middle of chaos lies opportunity, but only for the ones that dare to seize it”. “There is no chaos, only structure and lack of vision”, Sativa replies with an arrogant smile. “True, but since you are still in a partial state of denial you lack vision and chaos is real for you. If you don’t understand what you see take action and analyse the reaction to find the structure in the middle of chaos”. The two man drop their battle positions and take on a more peaceful pose. “You are advancing quickly” Avitas looks at his friend with satisfaction.”You might even be my best student ever”. Suddenly an eerie scream cuts through the silence and both men regain their battle position in a flash ready to strike. “What in gods name was that?”. “Don’t ask, only one thing can come in this place and you are not ready to meet it. Time to go my friend, we’ll keep in touch”, Avitas replies in a haste while he gives his friend a rough push. Sativa loses his balance and slowly falls backwards towards the yellow rocky ground, then everything becomes dark and all lights vanish.
It’s 3.09 am in a small village up in Holland, while a young man wakes up on his couch covered in a few thin blankets. It doesn’t take a brilliant mind to see something is very wrong with this guy. His eyes are buried deep in his skull behind long blond hair. His face looks pale and even though he just woke up he looks like he hasn’t slept for days. He tries to get up, but his body feels like it barely has any energy left. “Maybe a warm cup of coffee will fix that”, is what goes through his mind. The journey from the couch to the kitchen is only a few steps, but it feels like he tries to climb a mountain. “How can a man be tired from sleeping?”, he wonders. Deep inside he knows the answer. It’s not like his dreams are normal like those of other people. “Power comes to the call of a physical need, not an emotional desire”, he whispers with a voice full of sadness while he fills the coffee machine with water and some coffee from a cheap brand. It’s funny actually; years of happiness weakened him and ever since life became a constant struggle his power grew enormously. More patterns are released every day expanding his perception faster than ever. “If my emotions do not know fulfillment of desire my physical body will bear completion of power”, he thinks in a desperate attempt to make himself feel any better. His state of denial is declining and he knows things don’t work like that anymore. The mood swings are coming to an end as he closes to the point where he cannot switch between knowing and feeling any longer. The lack of understanding which caused this division is slowly fading away. A boiling sound comes from the water reserve on the back of the coffee machine after he pushes a blue blinking button on the front of it. Instantly the brown liquid starts pouring in the large glass jar beneath the filter. It smells delicious. He walks towards the long oak wood staff in the corner of the wall where the living room meets the kitchen. He still carries the words from his dreams in his mind;“focus on the act to increase the energy”. He closes his eyes and shuts down his hearing while he slowly spins the oak wood staff through his fingers. “It’s time to make things a bit harder, staying alive has become a bit to simple”, he convinces himself while he changes his position with every turn. Left leg slightly bend, right leg stretched out or the other way around. The staff is constantly moving from his left hand to his right hand while spinning, he can feel the air flowing from it. “That’s easier than i…” a loud bang fills the room as he hits himself on his right shoulders at full force. “Ahhh, Damn that hurts!”, he screams while he falls to the ground with both hands wrapped around the painful spot. He stays on the ground for a while until the pain slowly decreases a bit. “No pain, energy”, a voice whispers in his mind. “A signal send out through the nerve system to increase defenses and strength by adding information to your DNA”. Slowly Sativa crawls up again and takes a seat on the black leather couch he woke up on a short while ago. “I am becoming more strange and isolated by the day”, he thinks while he buries his head between his hands. Memories rush through his mind like a movie on a screen, but they become more blurry every day. Replaced with information far more significant than the memories deleted. It’s no use to remember things that don’t add any value to your personality or your environment. If you want to fill a bottle of water with some nice liquor you’ll have to pour the water out first. And so the tears start pouring...