From imagination to reality, from fiction to truth, waves of creation are breaking through. In a small village somewhere in the Netherlands a young man is writing his story. From an internal point of view to an external point of view. It’s the middle of the night and he is the only lost soul awake in this area. Most people have jobs, normal lives, families, but not the writer. He is trapped in his own version of the world, still fighting for the dreams he believes in. In constant combat with the thing he fears most; the man he could potentially become if he took the wrong choices. The young writer goes by the name of Sativa, and we know his enemy by the name of Avitas. Both persons are completely true, yet both are also based on false information. Two paradoxes divided to conquer, divided once to experience love. A price paid in blood for the perfect fairy tale, to close a childhood filled with hate and deception with a happy ending. And he lived happily ever after…
No he didn’t, because he wouldn’t be writing you this story now if he would. Division weakens a man like it weakens an army and soon the fairy tale became a nightmare. The story of a man who runs away in fear for who he really is. Not Sativa, not Avitas, but the truth of both combined. In order to control the anger bottled up inside he chose to unleash his evil side in strategy games. In those games a new man was born, Avitas. No army was strong enough to face the endless hate of his reflection, and his shadow side soon developed into the ultimate war philosopher. A legacy was born, but only in fiction. In reality Sativa is a peaceful man. A bit shy and isolated and a bit uncertain as well. Nothing like the man he is once the game begins. More like a scientist and a writer, a man who rather chooses then pen then the sword and who is against any form of violence. It doesn’t require a brilliant mind to see why he is in constant conflict with himself. The greatest lessons he has to learn starts when the fairy tale stops. Many people know how divorces can turn your life into a battlefield, and the same thing happened with Sativa. This is the moment the first waves came through, waves from a world in constant war. And with those waves came the voice of a man formed through the experiences of a thousand battles and a thousand victories, one who knows his enemy. The price paid for love, internal division, got rewarded with internal fusion. Every action has an equal or opposite reaction.Two different state of minds in one body, you can imagine the internal conflicts emerging from it. However, things change while they are in motion. Anger can only be controlled with wisdom and wisdom takes a lot of experience and teachings. Slowly two sides combine as information from both worlds move through the fabric of space-time. Dreams and reality join as the young writer is daydreaming behind his computer about distant worlds and lost kingdoms. How great it would be to escape this average life in a society purely based on consumption and production and experience adventures like mankind used to do. Those dreams might never come true. “Don’t be such a quitter, we’ll find a way”, the young man convinces himself. He opens his eyes again and starts walking circles through the living room. He’s nervous and feels the energy rushing through his spinal cord. “Maybe a bit of training will calm me down”, he thinks. He grabs the dark oak wood staff that`s leaning against the wall next to him. “Good, intensify your dedication. It’s not enough yet”, a heavy and ancient voice echoes in his mind. “I know it’s not enough, but i was just getting started”, the man mumbles agitated. Slowly he lets the dark staff circle through his fingers. From left to right, and then faster until the staff is almost invisible. His mind is calming down and his senses are sharpening. Every move he makes is pure reflex and impenetrable focus. One mental distraction would be enough to make the staff change it’s course and he would surely cause serious injury to himself. He’s beginning to get pretty good at this and he knows, but it doesn’t make any difference. Power does not come to the choice of desire, but to the natural call of a need. It;’s a mixture of therapy and preparation to Sativa. Preparing for things most people are unaware of. Chaos is coming, he can sense it. He always had an extra sense for danger. Probably a side effect of a constant struggle. Senses sharpen and energy levels increase while we are under constant pressure, like the atoms in Earth’s core.It takes an enormous amount of pressure and energy to turn lead into gold, even more to turn fiction into reality. He knows it better than anyone. The story he`s writing on puts a lot of pressure on him. So many research still has to be done and every chapter sends him on a new journey through different disciplines in science, history, mythology and philosophy. Maybe the whole project was a bit ambitious, but those are the rules of the formula. It’s not a true Magnum Opus unless it contains every aspect of the soul. In this case, two pieces of a divided soul forged into a single pattern of creation. It drains loads of mental energy from him, but by performing these daily exercises he doesn’t only improve his physical skills, it also helps him keep his mind at peace. Besides, the human body creates many different chemicals with a relaxing effect during a workout. It’s been this way for over a year now. Nothing else but study, training, writing and preparing. Hardly any form of entertainment survived the critical schedule he made for himself and he knows he`s on the verge of a breakdown. There is no other way. The problems that lie ahead are bigger then any problem he experienced before. Spin left, spin right, overhead spin and back to a spin left. The oak wood staff is still swirling around the living room and it’s starting to make a low whistling sound. The room is about twenty square meters and has a light colored wooden floor. In the middle of the room a large black leather couch faces an electric fireplace with an old flat screen tv on top of it. His computer is located in the corner on a small white table. It’s not a large room, but good enough for a single man with hardly any visitors. Sativa stops his workout and places his staff against the wall next to him. He`s not in a very good mood this day. Things are going a lot harder than he thought they would. Almost everything in his life seems to be this way. He’s already past the point of asking why. Because he needs to be strong enough for the challenges up ahead, that`s why. Chaos is growing fast. It has everything to do with the global awakening. While our vision changes our world changes with it. If we see chaos, it will be chaos. Sativa only sees structure, but he can feel the chaos moving in slowly. He can sense the anger and confusion inside the mind of others. He felt the same things for a long time, but at least Sativa is able to control that anger and make sure he doesn’t cause any harm to anyone. He’s not so sure about the others. The ones who never felt this before, who didn’t learn to use it as a fuel to energize the body and spirit. The upcoming change is massive and global. Once everyone will be capable of seeing to through the mist they will all go through the process. To separate the fixed from the volatile, as in the ancient formula he`s working on. It’s more than a formula, a way of life. A path meant to change the person who is clever enough to follow the trail of scientific and mythological breadcrumbs. It almost sounds too good to be real. But what if it is just a dream? Society doesn’t have much better to offer these days. The young writer walks to the kitchen to make himself a cup of fresh coffee. He’s addicted to the black magical stuff that gives him energy at the point of the day when he needs the most; when he wakes up. “Damn, almost out of sugar”, he mumbles agitated. He doesn’t speak much. There’s no need for it when you are alone most of the time. “An abundance of speech profiteth nothing”, is what the ancient philosophers would say and it’s true. The man who speaks less thinks more. Every output of energy can be optimized to make the mind and the body perform at it’s maximum potency. To those who practice it is even possible to shut down some senses to increase the powers of others. It’s all about concentration and dedication. He pours some fresh hot coffee in a large mug with a few soccer figures on it while he stares in the distance. Imagine a man staring in the distance in a room that is barely 30 square meters, it sounds a bit ridiculous but nonetheless his look says a lot. It’s almost as if he isn’t even looking at anything in this reality, but into distant worlds most of us have never seen before.If so many different dimensions can exist in the mind of a single person, imagine how many there are in all humans on Earth. Probably more than we could ever count. Each of them has all the potential to exist in this plane as well as the other one. It all depends on the creator, the person carrying the dream. Although some people don’t carry those dreams at all. They just chose to let it go and settle for a simple life in reality. A life of supply and demand, nothing more. It seems so empty, like there is always something missing when you live like that. He tried to that life, but the pressure from within to release all the dreams he carried inside was to big to ignore. They always came pouring out like a river of information. Not anymore… The only thing that is coming from that place now is the guidance of his reflection. He always wondered why he looked so differently in dreams. The answer is very simple, it is who he could be. Alexander the Great once stated:”There is nothing impossible to him who will try”, and since he truly believes in ancient philosophy he will try. Thank god he is not alone in this battle. And such a great battle it is, fighting a reflection on everyday basis. An eternal game of chess with the worst enemy you could ever imagine. One who never gives up and is prepared to throw every bit of knowledge into the game. So many things can be learned and experienced in this epic battle between the scientist and the strategist. Sativa and Avitas, two pieces of the same broken man. Can he ever be fixed? Maybe not, but it’s the only route to true happiness. A broken man can only break others, since we all give what we receive.